OPEN DOOR PROJECT! 2-2 thru 2-22. Lets join together in prayer as the Lamplighter community in preparation for the turnarounds God is bringing forth in this season, including the launch of Turnaround Tuesday. A door of access stands open!
TURNAROUND TUESDAY! Focused intercession for sons and daughters as well as for God’s Eliakims to arise across the land (Isaiah 22:22). Take the day to pray!
CALL WEDNESDAY! 9PM ET. Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm!
ANNOUNCING 2-22-2022 TURNAROUND TUESDAY GLOBAL LAUNCH! With Jon & Jolene, Mike and Cindy Jacobs, Pastors Jim & Becky Hennesy, Becca Greenwood, Chris Mitchell Jr, more. Special message by Lou Engle! REGISTRATION WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON.
Location: Trinity Church Cedar Hill (south Dallas) TX, 1231 E. Pleasant Run. Afternoon and evening sessions. More details soon. All are welcome! This event will be live onsite and live-streamed.
Church website: https://www.trinitychurch.org
FIRST—THANK YOU FOR ENGAGING in Turnaround Tuesday. Lets contend together for our spiritual sons and daughters, and our natural sons and daughters! And plan to join us on 2-22-22 for the global launch from Trinity Church Dallas!
SECOND—WE ARE CELEBRATING A DECADE IN DC! It was a decade ago this weekend that we settled into an apartment in Pentagon City, across from the Pentagon and just across the Potomac from Washington DC.
HAVE YOU EVER HAD YOUR LIFE UPENDED BY A PROPHET? Our lives certainly have been. Rick and Patricia Ridings both received the same prophetic directive from the Lord on a flight from LA to Washington DC. They cautiously brought up the subject in the car on the way to a dedication service for what became Davids Tent DC. Both Rick and Patricia felt that Joleen and I were being summoned to Washington DC… immediately!
Further, they both felt we were to begin by coming alongside Jason Hershey and his house of prayer project. The word was given in mid- January 2012, and we picked up our stakes and moved within a few short weeks.
Jolene and I were expecting to be gone from “home” for maybe six months at the most. Instead Washington DC became home. And it’s been an incredible journey ever since!
Turnaround Preceding the TURNAROUND
We have found that many times the turnaround in our sphere is preceded by a dramatic turnaround in our own lives. Remember this is Turnaround Tuesday. What the Ridings prophesied has largely come to pass. We have seen a dramatic turnaround in Washington DC and the nation. And by the grace of God, a decade later we are seeing grace released to complete the turnaround. His way!
Tomorrow as we begin the Open Door project, we will share more on the prophetic words that were given by the Ridings in conjunction with our sudden move.
The Open Door
But for now, our hearts are full of gratitude to Jesus for opening a door to Washington DC that has enriched our lives so greatly, and in process enriched the nation. We are grateful for the faithful, amazing friends we have come to know since connecting here. We are grateful for our home group, a wild bunch of high-level saints of God dedicated to seeing Jesus move in Washington DC.
And of course we are grateful for you, the ever-vigilant Lamplighter family. Your love, collaboration and generosity of heart have kept us strong, kept us advancing, and kept God’s lamp shining in our midst.
All that said, Jolene and I are looking forward to breaking new ground ahead with you, including engaging in the Open Door Project through 2-22, culminating with the Turnaround Tuesday launch.
From Washington to Washington to Jerusalem… No King but Jesus!